
January 2014

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Set Conforming Loan Size Limits for 2014

The government sponsored enterprises of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have established the conforming loan limits for 2014. There are no major changes to these levels, which haven’t been altered in the previous nine years. The goal of the current limits has been to allow homeowners and buyers to have access to as many government-backed affordable home loans as possible….

Qualified Mortgage (QM) Rule

Mortgage Jan 14, 2014

New rules will be coming into effect for the Qualified Mortgage stipulations starting in early 2014. Let’s review some of the most important facets of these new rules to get you up to date. What’s A Qualified Mortgage? A qualified mortgage came about under the Dodd-Frank Act, which was passed in 2010. This rule creates new categories of mortgages that…