How Outsourcing Will Help Credit Unions Get Back on their Feet After the Crippling Pandemic

mortgage process Oct 26, 2021

The pandemic has put the credit union model under stress like never before. The overnight closure of branches, mass exodus of staff and the complete shift to digital interactions made them struggle to connect with customers and provide seamless services. In fact, they owe this struggle to their lack of investment and emphasis on new technology. Added to this is the…

A 5-Step Guide to Hiring a Mortgage Virtual Assistant

The challenges of selling a home loan have evolved dramatically during the past decade. Today, loan officers must generate adequate real estate leads, convert the ones that come their way, build relationship, and maintain the database of prospects in order to close a mortgage loan on time. Added to this is the ever-changing mortgage requirements, that demand them to be…

AI is No Substitute for Underwriting, But It Makes Underwriting Remarkably Efficient

Underwriting Sep 17, 2021

An underwriting job was a daunting task in the past primarily because it consisted of a disjointed process marked by several manual and repetitive tasks. Cut to the present, automation has freed underwriters from being locked into legacy processes of the past. It has allowed them to move away from the conventional linear processes toward exception-based processes. This has introduced…