
June 2015

Why Non-Bank Lenders Are Giving Banks a Run for Their Money

Mortgage Jun 19, 2015

In the past, banks were the premier lenders for anyone who needed a source of funding. That meant that it was a seller’s market and that banks could pretty much determine the circumstances under which they loaned money. This was true for a long period of time, but non-bank lenders are on the rise and their services are increasingly popular….

How the Mortgage Industry Can Combat the Risk Posed by Nature

Mortgage Jun 09, 2015

Being successful in any industry requires the acknowledgement of risks and a comprehensive approach to addressing them. Risk mitigation is very important for those in the mortgage lending and service industry, because the cost of natural disasters is likely to rise over the coming years as more people migrate to more disaster prone coastal markets. Some weather events are more…

How Can Lenders Ensure High Quality Lending and Servicing?

Mortgage Lender Jun 05, 2015

Every person searching for a lender wants to know that the provider offers top quality in terms of communication and service. Without these critical pieces, customers are encouraged to go elsewhere and avoid recommending the lending service to friends. In order to achieve the best possible relationship with potential customers, lenders must be willing to meet or exceed expectations. According…