
Mortgage Lender

Checkout here for the information about mortgage lenders in USA and how they do lending mortgage finance to borrowers.

Tips to Discuss Mortgage Interest Rates with Millennials

Mortgage, Mortgage Lender Aug 16, 2017

If you have been following the population statistics closely, then you will know that millennials are the largest demographic in America today. It is these people who will eventually buy a home someday, opening up a prospect of increased business opportunities for loan officers and mortgage lenders. However, it is not that simple to convince millennials to invest in a…

Mortgage Lenders Need to Work on a Strategy to Woo Millennials

Mortgage, Mortgage Lender Mar 28, 2017

It is a well-known fact that the population of millennials in the housing market has always been less in comparison to their former generations. There are numerous possible reasons for this viz. the past recession, unemployment, less income, ongoing student loan installments, or their inherent fear of not qualifying for a loan as yet. However, with the passage of time,…

Mortgage Lending: Investigate Borrowers Before You Lend

Mortgage Lender Feb 28, 2017

The need to carry out extensive customer appraisal, before arriving into a final lending decision has grown more important than ever before. The need is not just about meeting federal mandate, but more about gaining control and minimizing chances of loan defaults. Today, a lender’s responsibility goes well beyond collecting information about the borrower’s present status via examination of his…