Outsource Residential Mortgage Loan Processing Services

We provide lenders with a comprehensive solution to handle their back office needs for all types of residential mortgage loans

Expert Mortgage Assistance has over 10 years of experience in assisting lenders with all aspects of the residential mortgage loans. From Conventional Mortgage loans to FHA Loans, USDA Loans, Adjustable Rate and Fixed-rate mortgage loans, our end to end robust back office support structure is designed to help lenders reduce loan processing turnaround times and bring down operational costs. Our services comprise an ideal mix of industry best practices and modern day technology to streamline your mortgage process for maximum efficiency.

Our residential mortgage loan services encompasses all aspects of residential mortgages starting from loan origination to closing and post-closing functions. As a global residential mortgage loan processing company, we use a multi-step document verification process and stringent quality assessment protocols to ensure the accuracy of customer information, property information, appraisal reports and all supporting documents to enable a lender to provide the best customer service.

Our Comprehensive Residential Mortgage Loan Processing Services

Loan Pre-Qualification

We enable lenders to get a fair perspective of the borrower's ability to repay the loan by collecting all vital supporting documents. We scrutinize the loan application process by ensuring that the customer has furnished all required personal information like the social security number and place of employment. We assess pay stubs, payment history, residential status, rent payment history and credit reports to enable you to get a fair idea of the financial condition of the borrower. As an experienced residential mortgage loan processing company our pre-qualification services focus on reducing every risk associated with the mortgage process.

Loan Application and Document Verification

We collect, document and digitize completed forms 1003 and W-2. We verify supporting documents like tax returns, credit check reports, proof of employment, pay stubs, and payment history diligently and introduce them into the profile of the customer. A checklist based method to collect and verify documents helps us to do the work in precision. Asides, we use industry best practices and CRM systems, to ensure high levels of accuracy of customer critical information. Such a meticulous level of review significantly reduces delays and eliminates risks associated with the underwriting process.

Property Appraisal

From appraisal scheduling to appraisal ordering and appraisal reviewing, we provide you with robust support to meet all your property appraisal requirements. We compile files containing property information, ownership history, the dimensions of the house and trending market values to ensure your underwriter has all necessary information at their command. Further, we help you determine the fair market value of the property with extended services like broker price opinion or comparative market analysis. The entire process goes through a level of quality checks to ensure maximum accuracy.

Loan Underwriting

We provide lenders with back office support for meeting all underwriting requirements on all types of residential mortgage loans. We rely on a well-established process to accelerate your mortgage underwriting process and truncate the total turnaround time. With a quality document review and management process, we ensure there is no missing information or errors in property appraisal and title report. We adopt a multi-tier information verification procedure that enables you to send complete and accurate customer profiles and other reports to the underwriter. It’s because of this preciseness of service that we have won the reputation of a reliable residential mortgage loan services company.

Loan Closing

We provide assistance to your loan closing team with the compilation of documents that summarize the mortgage loan like the term sheet, property inspection report and mortgage insurance documents. We also assist lenders by dispatching them to the customer. We ensure that accurate and verified information reaches the borrower with clear and detailed information on the payment terms and amount, along with the time frame of repayment. With our all-inclusive solution to loan closing, you can make your process more cost and time effective.


Our team of mortgage experts prepare loan disclaimers and loan payment terms to include them in loan packages. These packages also contain important documents like promissory notes and deeds of trust with signatures. After verifying the information, we also assist the lender in dispatching the loan package to the customer.

Default Servicing

We helps residential mortgage servicers develop a solid strategy to deal with prospective losses in the form of delinquency, while complying with government requirements. Our back office support for loss mitigation include borrower solicitation services that help delinquent borrowers get up-to-date with their payments, foreclosure assistance through both judicial and non-judicial process, loan modifications and short sale services. Our default servicing is designed to help lenders create more positive business outcomes.

Why Outsource Residential Mortgage Loan Processing Services to Expert Mortgage Assistance?

As an experienced residential mortgage loan processing company, we have developed a linear approach to providing back-end support. We incorporate a proven work ethic that is meant to promote the efficiency of your residential mortgage process, irrespective of its type. From FHA loans to conventional mortgage and VA loans, our services bring consistency and quality to the entire process. We have a proven track record of excellence and have grown to be the trusted service partner of multiple mortgage lenders across the globe. Outsource residential mortgage loan processing services to us for robust back office support structure.

Some of the benefits of choosing our services include:

  • Over 10 years of experience in supporting diverse residential mortgage loans
  • A team of 1000+ mortgage experts with in depth knowledge on all residential mortgage loan types
  • Guaranteed accuracy with multistep review of customers documents, property documents, appraisal reports and loan packages
  • Flexible services that can be customized according to the type of residential mortgage loan
  • Up to 40% reduction in operational costs per employee
  • Up to 30% improvement in TAT

Looking for a residential mortgage loan processing company to take charge of your entire business process? outsource residential mortgage loan services to Expert Mortgage Assistance for a single stop solution.